On Friday, 15. September 2023, the Artistic Director of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska, visited the DOMiD office in Cologne. Dr. Robert Fuchs (Management | DOMiD), Andrea Nepomuck (Education and Outreach | DOMiD) as well as Sandra Vacca (Project Management | DOMiDLabs) provided insights into the work and collection of DOMiD and informed, among other things, about the current status of the projects House of Immigration Society and DOMiDLabs.

Visiting DOMiD: (from left to right) Carmen Steins (Project Administration | DOMiDLabs), Sandra Vacca (Project Management | DOMiDLabs), Katarzyna Wielga-Skolimowska (Artistic Director | Federal Cultural Foundation), Dr. Robert Fuchs (Management | DOMiD), Azziza B. Malanda (PR and Public Relations / Deputy Project Director | DOMiDLabs), Andrea Nepomuck (Education and Outreach | DOMiD). Photo: DOMiD Archive, Cologne