21.07.2022 | News Minister of State for Culture and Media visits DOMiD The German Minister of State for Culture and Media, Claudia Roth, together with the Vice President of North Rhine-Westphalia‘s State Parliament, Berîvan Aymaz, visited our DOMiD office in Cologne on 19th 2022.
21.07.2022 | Team Introduction of the DOMiD Team In the section "About us" Sandra Vacca, Azziza B. Malanda and Carmen Steins are introduced as contact persons for anything having to do with the project. But who is hiding behind these names?
14.07.2022 | Stellenausschreibung Wir suchen eine*n Praktikant*in Verlängerung der Bewerbungsfrist bis 18. August 2022! Zur Unterstützung unseres Projekts bieten wir eine studienbegleitende Praktikumsstelle (ca. 30 Std./Woche) für die Dauer von 3 Monaten an. Möglicher Start: 15.09.22 oder 01.10.22.